Habit Reversal Training (HRT)

Habit Reversal Training (HRT), is an evidenced-based behavior therapy used to treat conditions such as hair pulling (trichotillomania), skin picking (excoriation disorder), nail biting, and tics.

  • Increase awareness of the behavior skin-picking behavior by tracking when and where it occurs.

  • Develop a competing response or alternative behavior that is incompatible with skin picking. For example, instead of picking, clenching fists or sitting on hands.

  • Learn and practice relaxation techniques to reduce overall stress and anxiety, which are often associated with skin picking.

  • Use mindfulness techniques to stay present in the moment without succumbing to the urge to pick.

  • Identify triggers that lead to skin picking and develop strategies to cope with or avoid these triggers.Item description

  • Involve family or friends to provide support and reinforcement for using alternative behaviors instead of skin picking.

  • Keep a diary or use a monitoring tool to track progress and setbacks, helping to understand patterns and triggers.